

Criminal Charges

Areas of Practice


assault & domestic violence

In its simplest form, an assault under the Criminal Code is committed when one person intentionally applies force, or threat of force, to another person without consent. Depending on the severity, nature and method of the assault, one may be charged with a more serious offence including assault with a weapon or causing bodily harm, aggravated assault, unlawfully causing bodily harm, assaulting a peace officer, or sexual assault.

As with any criminal offence, the Crown must prove the allegations beyond a reasonable doubt. This includes the identity of the accused, the application of force, as well as any additional element (like actual bodily harm, a weapon was used, assault was sexual in nature). Many issues can arise during an assault trial that provide a defence including consent and self-defence.

bail hearings

Every person in Canada has the right to reasonable bail, this is enshrined in the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. If you have been charged with a criminal offence the police have immediate discretion to address your pre-trial release. It is possible that you may be released on a Promise to Appear or a Recognizance which would have conditions to abide by until your criminal charges are resolved If the conditions you have been released on require changes, this is something we can help you with.

If the police do not release you then a bail hearing will occur within 24 hours before a Justice of the Peace, or it can be adjourned into court where it will be addressed by a provincial court Judge.  Having a lawyer represent you at your bail hearing can be the difference between getting bail or being denied bail.  We are here to help you 24|7 to help you through this initial stage of the proceedings.  

child pornography & internet luring

The stigma associated with child pornography and child luring charges can be far-reaching and long-lasting. Laws in this area are very strict and some convictions receive mandatory prison sentences. Because of this, it is important to have dedicated and knowledgeable representation before the Alberta courts.

We are equipped to deal with allegations that include: child luring (this is communication with a person under the age of 18 with the intent to engage in a sexual relationship); assessing child pornography (this refers to viewing or engaging with website content that contains images or video of individuals under 18 in sexual or compromising positions) and; possessing child pornography (if there are images or video of child pornography on your computer or if data shows you have downloaded this material, you could be charged under laws regarding possession).


Drug charges

Drug offences can range from the possession of a controlled substance, to the possession for the purpose of trafficking, to the production of a controlled substance. Drug offences are highly technical and almost always involve the Charter as it requires a search and seizure be done to acquire any controlled substance. Finding Charter violations can lead to certain evidence being excluded. Hiring a lawyer who can spot and argue Charter violations in addition to all other defences that may be available is critical for a successful defence.

Drunk or impaired driving

If you are charged with an impaired driving offence in Alberta, your drivers license will be suspended immediately for 90 days and can only be reinstated once those charges are resolved or you successfully appeal that suspension to the Alberta Transportation and Safety Board (ATSB). You have only 30 days to appeal your suspension to the ATSB, as such it is important to contact a lawyer immediately if you are interested in pursuing an appeal.

Drunk Driving charges (also referred to as DUI, impaired driving or driving over the legal limit) are highly technical and almost always involve the Charter since most charges involve a search and seizure be done to acquire your breath or blood samples.  These samples are then used to prove how much alcohol or drug you had in your system at the time of driving. Finding Charter violations can lead to the results of your samples being excluded. Hiring a lawyer who can spot and argue Charter violations in addition to all other defences that may be available is critical for a successful defence. 

firearms & weapons offences

The reality is that the vast majority of individuals charged with gun offences are otherwise innocent citizens caught by the confusing and legal framework that comprises Canadian Gun Legislation. Hunters and sportsmen, collectors and connoisseurs, farmers and ranchers are often the ones at the receiving end of these prosecutions.

The rights of gun owners in Alberta are frequently challenged in and out of the courtroom. Navigating gun control in this country means understanding the context and laws surrounding the charge, be it licensing, storage, or possession.


murder & manslaughter

Murder and manslaughter charges are some of the most serious criminal charges available under the Criminal Code and carry some of the most serious penalties available in law if you are convicted.

Murder or Manslaughter occurs where one person loses their life as the result of another person’s actions. The moral culpability of the action that results in a loss of life will determine where on the spectrum of charges someone may be at risk.

theft & fraud

At its most basic level, theft is simply taking something that doesn’t belong to you (stealing). The basic legal principles of theft, according to Canada’s Criminal Code, involve a conversion of property that is not yours and a corresponding deprivation to the owner.

Fraud is similar to theft, however it involves an additional element of deceit or misrepresentation in the offence. Fraud takes on many forms, including pyramid schemes, identity theft, forgery, embezzlement, tax evasion, insurance, mortgage, bank fraud, perjury, and cyber crimes. The list is endless and all are considered crimes under the Criminal Code of Canada.

sexual assault

The sexual assault laws in Canada are far-reaching, severe and can have permanent damaging effects on you and your family. Sex crimes include a wide range of activities from groping, stalking, voyeurism, and harassment, to more serious allegations of forced sex, exploitation, sodomy, child sexual abuse, and gang rape.

How you handle yourself and your interaction with police at the initial stages of a sexual assault investigation will affect your case later.